Merit Max

It’s true! 95% of scholarships are given by the colleges.  But which ones will give your child the most free money?  That’s where Merit Max can help.

Merit Max is a unique scholarship and college cost calculator that combines your Student Aid Index or SAI, your child’s grades, and personal preferences (majors, size and location, and type of college) to give you a list of colleges that will offer the largest TUITION DISCOUNTS.  That’s what scholarships and grants are: tuition discounts.

Most people don’t walk into a car showroom prepared to pay the sticker price of the first car they like.  Instead, they shop around, get a few offers in writing, and then use them as leverage to get a better price on the car they want most.

Even if your student doesn’t want to go to that college, you can use the offers to leverage more in scholarships and grants from the colleges your child does want to attend.

Financial Aid Now will show you how to save ON the cost of college.

By subscribing to Financial Aid Now you are saying to the college, “I know what I should pay!”

The U.S. Department of Education awards an estimated $46 billion in scholarship money annually. The average is $7,400. Source:

I believe your child can do better than just average.

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